Sunday, January 08, 2006

SW Regionals

Saturday's big story was PBR's tight match against Johnny Bravo in the last round of pool play. PBR was close the entire game. Bravo managed to go up 14-13 at the time cap. A condors player made it known that if a team scored the final point, giving them a lead, at the horn, the game was over, victory in their favor. JB agreed to play to hard cap 15 as they had agreed earlier in the game. After a picture perfect pull, a quick swing from a PBR player caught some wind, bouncing over the intended receiver, who managed to get his fingertips on it, and Beau Kitteridge of JB sprinted down the disc, getting a layout Callahan for the game.

Johnny Bravo took down the Condors in the finals 13-11. The backdoor final pitted PBR against Sack Lunch. Sack fought hard, but PBR took over the game, dominating with a final score of 13-9. Video up later.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

June.9.2005 a few seconds later

for your viewing pleasure....


The longest relationship of my life (lasting an astounding 6ish weeks) is over. I came to a realization that love is not something you create but rather something you must discover. Fuck that shit. I'm beginning to wonder if the overwhelming sentiment of our generation that a piece of ass is superior to a legitimate bond between two people.... is.. valid. Is it worth the work to constantly wonder and second guess. Is this right? Should I.... could I.... did I.....? It's total bullshit.

Film on the rocks, June 21st, Indiana Jones- Raiders of the Lost Ark. Red Rocks... time? I'm not really sure.

DSYUL (denver summer youth ultimate league) starts the same day.
Plan: Find girl at DSYUL. Convince said girl to go on a "date" to film on the rocks... my treat.
Idea: "we've got a spare ticket, would like to come? it's on me"
Goal: Get a new gf... one that is semi-intelligent, plays ultimate, is social, and cute. That's all I'm asking, I've taken a lot off of that list (trust me, a lot).

format for the future: every day, plan, idea, goal. bitches.